Wholehearted Masculine

September 01, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Dan Mahle, founder of Wholehearted Masculine

Lindsay Hiatt Photography, Boulder, CO

Dan Mahle, founder of Wholehearted Masculine Dan Mahle, founder of Wholehearted Masculine

Dan Mahle contacted me recently to inquire about photos for his website redesign. Immediately, I thought YESSSSS! I LOVE helping businesses get their message across and feel confident in the content they are sharing with their potential clients and the world. I thought I was excited about this prospect but what I didn't yet realize was just how thrilled I would really be once he shared his business message, core values and purpose. To say that Dan's business, Wholehearted Masculine, is timely and important is a huge understatement. That's like saying this year is eh...memorable.

Imagine growing up being told by those closest to you (family, friends, peers) and society that there is A WAY and only ONE way to be a man. That masculinity is this and only this, that you need to prove it constantly in front of others and to yourself? I'm guessing that for most boys and men, this narrow view is confusing and restrictive. It's easy to feel like if all the messages say you need to do things a certain way, that, if you feel it in your heart differently, it is going to cause a lot of emotions. And...well for many guys, emotions are not a "thing" to share. Dan's mission and purpose assists men (and companies seeking a well-rounded, functional and inclusive work-force) how to break down these stereotypes and learn to be more inclusive with their selves, lives, businesses and each other.

Wholehearted Masculine founder, Dan Mahle. Wholehearted Masculine founder, Dan Mahle. Wholehearted Masculine founder, Dan Mahle.

Sage in Boulder, Colorado

One of the greatest things I've noticed in this squirrelly year, is that people are thinking about a lot at things, really noticing things. It's an awakening of ourselves both within and within society. There has been a huge shift to recognize and act upon how society treats each other and how we treat our own self. This is leading to an immense amount of change and that change can be really, really challenging to navigate alone and not particularly enjoyable. Dan Mahle is able to coach, guide and assist others who are seeking a change and does so with not only knowledge but compassion and empathy. After spending time with Dan I realized that having a facilitator like him for big life changes is crucial to offer the support that we all need at times. For example, if I had known Dan long ago I might have finally given up wearing Umbro shorts years before Y2K as my official everyday uniform of choice. But alas, Dan has bigger, larger goals than wardrobe changes and anyone who works with Dan will surely see his business as a huge catalyst for positive change within yourself and how you see/interact with others.

Dan's knowledge and expertise allows him to work well with both men seeking an one-on-one experience as well as companies hoping to integrate his program within their own business. What was apparent to me in working with Dan was just how passionate and committed he is to helping men heal, grow and thrive in their personal and professional lives. The more Dan told me about Wholehearted Masculine and it's mission, the more excited I became at the realization of how many men he can impact in a positive way.

Lindsay Hiatt Photography business branding photography

Boulder, Colorado with Lindsay Hiatt Photography Lindsay Hiatt Photography business branding photography Lindsay Hiatt Photography business branding photography Lindsay Hiatt Photography business branding photography

But enough chatter from me, here is what Dan, himself, had to say about Wholehearted Masculine:

Wholehearted Masculine is a global movement to activate and support the rise of wholehearted men by sharing our stories, questioning cultural norms, and exploring the power of healthy vulnerability. We are committed to building gender equity, courageous leadership, and shared-power for positive change in the workplace and beyond. www.wholeheartedmasculine.org

Why do this work: Today, men all around the world are co-creating a new story of masculinity and discovering who we truly are by exploring the power of healthy vulnerability. We are actively working to heal our wounds from the old story of masculinity that has left many of us emotionally shut down, sensually deprived, and too ashamed to discover our true power and purpose in the world. We are leaning into our fears and celebrating our failures as we discover what it means to live a life of deep connection, purpose and fulfillment – as wholehearted men. We are redefining what it means to be a man in the 21st century, starting from within our own hearts. Join us.

Our Services:
*Training: We help teams build gender equity and healthy masculinity into the heart of their culture.
*Coaching: We partner with leaders and executives to support them in navigating complex culture dynamics.

Our Core Values:
*Courage - We act with integrity even when we are afraid. We lean into vulnerability.
*Acceptance - We hold ourselves and others with love and respect, viewing our flaws and failures as opportunities to grow.
*Accountability - We are honest with ourselves and others and seek to listen proactively. We take responsibility to repair relationships as needed.
*Interconnectedness - We recognize that we are in this together and we are committed to building a world that works for all.
I'm not only thankful for connecting with Dan and hopefully helping him get his message and mission across but for learning that there are people like him in the world. Wholehearted Masculine truly cares about helping men and society reach new heights and levels of positivity in the world. And especially in a year like this, how cool is that?
Wholehearted MasculineWholehearted Masculine seeks to help men develop a wholehearted view of masculinity in Boulder, Colorado Wholehearted MasculineWholehearted Masculine seeks to help men develop a wholehearted view of masculinity in Boulder, Colorado


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